7 Tips for Teething Babies
Teething can be an uncomfortable time for babies, with little gums experiencing tenderness and swelling as emerging teeth break through the surface. In light of a recent FDA warning against using lidocaine for teething infants, we wanted to put together a few helpful tips for managing this sometimes-difficult time for your child. Massage sore gums. […]
Get Your Kids to Brush, Five of the Best Ideas
One the biggest challenges parents face during the nightly routine of bedtime is getting their kids to brush. Constantly needing to remind and cajole your child to take care of his or her own teeth can be frustrating for everyone involved. We’ve got a few ideas to help weary parents and reluctant kids: Use music […]
Greek Yogurt: Super-food For Your Family’s Teeth
Greek yogurt is a dental super food. Yogurt is more popular than ever as a healthy choice for those seeking to supplement their diet with a food that will help their overall health. Several respected studies over the last few years have continuously shown that Greek yogurt has benefits far beyond digestive health. Here are […]