Greek Yogurt: Super-food For Your Family’s Teeth

Greek yogurt is a dental super food.  Yogurt is more popular than ever as a healthy choice for those seeking to supplement their diet with a food that will help their overall health.  Several respected studies over the last few years have continuously shown that Greek yogurt has benefits far beyond digestive health.  Here are […]

Teenage Teeth? Seven Healthy Mouth Tips

As children become more independent, parents often have less direct influence over their child’s oral care. The transition to adolescence means that schedules become more crowded and teens are left with more responsibility in caring for their own teeth.  Too often, this results in first-time cavities and missed opportunities to catch dental issues when they […]

Top Six Steps to a Cavity-Free Childhood

Did you know that the most common chronic disease of children and teens is tooth decay?  Even worse, the CDC reports that nearly 20% of children’s cavities are left untreated.  What may be even more surprising is that nearly all cavities are 100% preventable.  In fact, simply by following these 6 steps, you could help […]

Sports Drinks & Kids: The Shocking Truth

Kids and teens love sports drinks.  In fact, studies have shown that these “thirst quenchers” are consumed by 62% of adolescents every day.  But are they good for your child’s body or teeth? And are they truly necessary for sports performance?  Here are a few facts, some of which may surprise you: Sports drinks contain […]

5 Crazy Things We Do to Our Teeth!

Kids and adults do some crazy things to their teeth! Avoiding our list of the top five is a great way to save yourself from future tooth trouble.

Can Cavities Be Inherited?

We often hear patients talk about how they or their children have “soft teeth”. We especially hear comments related to how cavities have been inherited from their parents or have been passed down to their children. But is there really an inherited condition that causes some people’s teeth to be more susceptible to cavities than […]

Help! Useful Tips for Infrequent Flossers.

According to the American Dental Association, nearly 20% of Americans never floss.  Many people invariably view flossing as optional which causes it to become one of the most frequently neglected parts of any oral care routine.  But as much of a plaque fighter that your toothbrush is, it simply cannot reach all the tight spots between your […]

Cavity Free Resolutions for 2015

Did you know that the most common chronic childhood disease is tooth decay?  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one out of every five children in the US has an untreated cavity.  More than 51 million school hours are lost every year because of dental problems.  Moreover, nearly 100% of cavities […]